Camryn James Honored as SGTC Student of Excellence

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Camryn James of Macon was recently recognized as the March Student of Excellence on the South Georgia Technical College Americus campus. James is a member of the Lady Jets basketball team and studies Sports and Fitness Management. She was nominated by her instructor, Chris Ballauer.

“I’ve gotten to know CJ over the last couple of years as an instructor and a coach,” Ballauer said of James, “and she exemplifies the term student athlete. She’s a great student, and she’s a great person.”

James thanked Ballauer for nominating her for the honor. She also thanked her other coaches for their support. “Being a student athlete is not easy,” she said, before adding that her coaches help her to excel in the classroom as well as on the basketball court.

The Student of Excellence is selected based on a number of criteria, including grades, work ethics, participation in clubs and organizations, and amount of program completion. Each month, students from certain divisions selected for that month are nominated for the Student of Excellence award by their instructors. SGTC’s business programs were the focus for March.

SGTC Student of Excellence nominees (seated l-r) Angel Young, Cesar Vasquez, Maurice Williams, Tracy Monts, and Camryn James, and their instructors (standing l-r) Brenda Boone, Sharon Smith, Mary Cross, and Chris Ballauer.
SGTC Student of Excellence nominees (seated l-r) Angel Young, Cesar Vasquez, Maurice Williams, Tracy Monts, and Camryn James, and their instructors (standing l-r) Brenda Boone, Sharon Smith, Mary Cross, and Chris Ballauer.

Other nominees for the award were: Angel Young of Leslie, Accounting, nominated by Brenda Boone; Cesar Vasquez of Andersonville, Business Technology, nominated by Sharon Smith; Maurice Williams of Americus, Computer Information Systems, nominated by Veronda Cladd; and Tracy Monts of Americus, nominated by Mary Cross.

As the winner, James was awarded with a plaque of recognition, a personal letter of recommendation from SGTC President Dr. John Watford and a $50 check for her accomplishments. Additionally, her name will be displayed on SGTC’s digital marquee as well as inscribed on a plaque in Hicks Hall among previous Student of Excellence winners. Each nominee was awarded with a nomination certificate and an exclusive student of excellence t-shirt.

