High School Students/Dual Enrollment

Programs for High School Students

Dual Enrollment Dual enrollment allows high school students to take either academic degree level core courses that will transfer to any TCSG or USG college or university, occupational courses, and diploma level core courses. Some students may choose to enroll fully into a degree, diploma or technical certificate of credit program, or they may choose to just take a few courses. All college coursework taken through Dual Enrollment will be fully covered through State of Georgia funding up to 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours, and students will not be required to pay out of pocket for tuition , college fees or textbooks. The only fees students may be responsible for are course-specific fees determined by the college. No hours taken through Dual Enrollment will count towards a student’s HOPE Grant or Scholarship Caps. Dual Enrollment opportunities enhance student engagement, improve graduation rates and increase student learning. Participating in the new Dual Enrollment program is a great incentive for high school students to get a jump start on their college coursework at little or no cost to the student.

Benefits of taking SGTC courses while in high school through the Dual Enrollment Program:

  • Degree-level core classes may transfer to any University System of Georgia or Technical College System of Georgia college or university PLUS many other colleges/universities outside of the state of Georgia... so starting at SGTC can really take you anywhere.
  • College credits taken through the Dual Enrollment program do not count against HOPE Scholarship or HOPE Grant hours after you graduate from high school.
  • College credits do count toward new high school rigor requirements and HOPE Scholarship rigor requirements.
  • Be Better prepared for your future.
  • Some courses may be available at the college campus, high school campus or online.

Eligibility Any eligible 10th – 12th grade students enrolled in an eligible Georgia high school or home study program, who has achieved required scores on the college placement exam, is eligible to take part in the program. If you haven't taken the Accuplacer placement test, please contact someone from the dual enrollment team at SGTC. Coursework Most of the classes that were available under the old dual-enrollment, Accel, and old Move On When Ready programs will still be available under the NEW Dual Enrollment program, plus many additional courses. You will see no change in how South GA Tech offers the classes. Courses may be taught face-to-face on the college campus, the high school campus, online or hybrid. Students will be allowed to take up to 15 credit hours per semester at each college they attend. Students can enroll in South Georgia Technical College courses during Fall, Spring or Summer Semesters. Note: Fine Arts courses are no longer covered under the Dual Enrollment program. (Examples: Music Appreciation, Art Appreciation) Dual enrollment graduates

Application Process

High school students wishing to enroll in the new Dual Enrollment program must first meet with their high school guidance counselor. New Dual Enrollment students will be asked to complete a Dual Enrollment Application. Here, also, are links to the Dual Enrollment Score sheet Info for High School and the Dual Enrollment Student Handbook which will include all of the required forms needed to participate in the program. Additionally, students will be asked to go onto the GAFutures website to apply for their financial aid. Once a student has done this, his/her high school counselor will then add the approved classes in GAFutures, and the South Georgia Technical College Dual Enrollment office/Financial Aid office will approve/invoice the courses. All Dual Enrollment students must complete the online Dual Enrollment funding application once a year, and failure to do so will result in them being billed for their South Georgia Technical College classes. Students also must maintain a 2.0 grade point average and pass 67% of coursework attempted in order to receive Dual Enrollment funds. Tuition, Fees, and Books Tuition and most fees are covered by Dual Enrollment for every eligible student in the program. Books will also be provided to new Dual Enrollment students at no charge to the students. Because students are now eligible to participate in almost all South Georgia Technical College programs, they may be responsible for course-specific fees in some program areas; however, most South Georgia Technical College programs do not require such fees. Students should speak to the High School Initiative Specialist to find out specifics about course-related fees. High School students cannot enroll in the following specialized programs at South Georgia Technical College under Dual Enrollment…. John Deere, Caterpillar, Law Enforcement Academy, Licensed Practical Nursing, Aviation, Cosmetology or Commercial Truck Driving. Please contact your area High School Coordinator for additional information. Joint Enrollment High School students can take college courses under the Joint enrollment program and gain College Credit Only. Students can either self-pay for these courses, or use HOPE Grant funds. Hours taken under Joint Enrollment using the HOPE Grant DO count against a student’s HOPE Hours Cap. Joint enrollment students are responsible for the cost of textbooks. Students participating in Joint enrollment must apply for HOPE Grant at GAFutures and be a resident of the state of Georgia for the past 12 months. Contact your area High School Coordinator for additional information. Hope Grant/Hope Career Grant funds, State of Georgia Resident/US citizen and lawful presence required. Complete a GSAPPS on GAFutures under the State Application link. Private School Students High school students enrolled in a private school can enroll in college classes at SGTC by meeting the minimum test requirements. Contact your private school to ensure that they are a participating high school for the Dual Enrollment program. If not, private school students would not be eligible for Dual Enrollment funds, but could enroll as Joint enrollment students or self pay. Contact your high school counselor or the High School Coordinator in your area for additional information. Home School Students Home School students are eligible for the Dual Enrollment program as long as they meet the college’s minimum testing requirements for their program and complete the Dual Enrollment application. Home School students may be required to submit a Declaration of Intent to Home School to the High School Coordinator. Please contact the High School Coordinator in your area for additional information. Note: Please see additional student and parent application and funding process requirements on GAFutures under the Dual Enrollment link. SB2/Option B - High School Postsecondary Graduation Opportunity

Senate Bill 2 offers an alternate path to high school graduation for students who have completed certain requirements at their high school. In order to participate in SB2/Option B, students must have completed the 10th grade and successfully completed the following courses and all required tests associated with them (Most of the high school required courses may be taken under the dual enrollment program):

  • 2 English
  • 2 Math
  • 2 Science
  • 2 Social Studies
  • 1 Health/PE

After completion of these courses, students must then complete ONE of the following:

  • Any South Georgia Tech Degree program
  • Any South Georgia Tech Diploma program
  • 2 of the following South GeorgiaTechnical Certificates of Credit:
  • Computer Programmer - Either Combo: MCR1 DE C++ Programmer AND MCH1 DE C# Programmer OR MOJ1 DE Java Programmer AND MPH1 DE PHP Programmer
  • Manufacturing Combo: MMM1 DE Manufacturing Maintenance Technician AND MMP1 DE Manufacturing Production Assistant
  • Any 2 of the following Welding TCCs: MB31 DE Basic Shielded Arc Welder MF61 DE Flux Cored Arc Welder MGM1 DE Gas Metal Arc Welder MGT1 DE Gas Tungsten Arc Welder MGTI DE Gas Tungsten Arc Welder MGE1 DE Gas Tungsten Arc Welding MS71 Shileded Metal Arc Welding
  • Computer Information Systems - Any one from Section A AND one from Section B A MO21 DE Adv. CompTIA A+Certified Tech Preparation MC51 DE CompTIA A+ Certified Preparation MPF1 DE Preparation for A+ Certificate B MOH1 DE Help Desk Specialist MO11 DE Microsoft Network Administrator MO41 DE Cisco Certified Entry Network Tech MO51 DE Cisco Network Specialist MO61 DE Computer Forensic & Investigation Specialist MO71 DE Database Administrator MO31 DE Linux/UNIX System Administrator MON1 DE Network Technician

Students interested in pursuing this alternate diploma path option should contact their High School Guidance Counselor or the South Georgia Technical College High School Coordinator. DUAL ENROLLMENT RESOURCES

For additional information, contact: BRITTNY WRIGHT MCGRADY HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR (229) 931-2866 brittny.wright-mcgrady@southgatech.edu MYKAULA HARVEY HIGH SCHOOL INITIATIVE SPECIALIST (229) 931-5161 mykaula.harvey@SOUTHGATECH.EDU HUNTER LITTLE HIGH SCHOOL INITIATIVE SPECIALIST (229) 271-4051 hlittle@southgatech.edu DUALENROLLMENT@SOUTHGATECH.EDU