International Students

Admissions Checklist for Applicants Requesting a Student Visa

Due to the amount of time required for gathering, preparing, and processing the immigration paperwork, SGTC encourages all international applicants to apply at least 3 months prior to their desired start date. For example, if a student wants to attend classes for the fall semester, he/she should submit all required documents in May.

  1. Submit a complete application for admission (and choose only one program of study).Apply Now
  • Prospective students who have applied previously but did not get accepted or register for classes must reapply for admission every term they wish to attend SGTC until they get accepted AND register for classes.
  1. Pay a $25 non-refundable application fee in U.S. currency by money order, online/credit card payment, or check drawn from a U.S. bank payable to South Georgia Technical College.
  • Credit card payments in U.S. currency are also accepted by phone with the Business Office at 229-931-2381. You will need to notify the Admissions Office if you have made a payment via phone.
  1. Submit official transcripts from your high school (or GED) and all colleges attended by the application deadline. All transcripts must be received in envelopes sealed by the sending institution.
  • All international transcripts must be evaluated by an approved evaluation service and sent directly to SGTC. The contact information for the accepted evaluation agencies is listed on the next page.
  • Order a document-by-document evaluation for high school evaluations and order a course-by-course evaluation for college evaluations.
  • For any U.S. schools attended, an evaluation is not needed, but official transcripts must be submitted.
  1. Submit official entrance exam scores from either ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer
  1. Submit financial statements.
  • The student or sponsor must provide documentation verifying a minimum of $15,200.00 USD is available to finance the first year of education and cost-of-living expenses. Please follow the instructions for submitting financial documentation that is listed in this packet.
  1. Submit a photocopy of the page in your passport that shows your full name. (List your name on the application as it is written in your passport.)
  2. Please see the International Student Admission Guide for additional information.