Earning High School Equivalency Changes Lives for SGTC Adult Education Students

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The Adult Education program at South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) is changing lives by helping people earn their High School Equivalency (HSE) to enhance their prospects for the future. For Heather Hinton of Oglethorpe, working toward her HSE impacted her in ways she hadn’t anticipated.

“Earning my GED gave me a sense of peace and relief,” Hinton said. “It opened up opportunities I wouldn’t have had otherwise.” While in the Adult Education program, Hinton was recognized as the EAGLE (Exceptional Adult Georgian in Literacy Education) student for SGTC in 2019.

After completing her HSE, Hinton continued her education by enrolling in the Computer Support Specialist program at SGTC. During her time at SGTC, she earned Student of Excellence honors, was nominated to be SGTC’s representative for the Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) competition, and served as president of the South Georgia Tech chapter of Phi Beta Lambda (PBL). She graduated with an Associate of Applied Science degree in December of 2020.

“Without my GED,” Hinton stated, “it wouldn’t have been possible to become the President of PBL, connect with new people, and spread my wings far beyond what I thought was possible.”

Hinton is preparing to continue her education in pursuit of a B.A. in writing and communication. She also has other big plans on the horizon: “I’ll be marrying my best friend on November 6. He is also a student at SGTC pursuing his degree in criminal Justice.”

South Georgia Tech is proud of Heather Hinton and all the Adult Education graduates who commit themselves to a brighter future by earning their High School Equivalency.

If you’re ready to move ahead with your HSE, contact SGTC’s Adult Education Department today at 229.931.7323. The courses are FREE and offer flexible classroom and online learning options.

