Garrett Kennedy Recognized as Student of Excellence at SGTC

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Garrett Kennedy of Pine Mountain, a Motorsports Vehicle Technology Student, was honored recently as the Student of Excellence at South Georgia Technical College (SGTC). He was nominated by his instructor, Kevin Beaver.

“I nominated Garrett because he’s a great student,” Beaver said. “He comes in on time, works hard, stays late, and is eager to work every day.”

“It’s always nice to have stuff like this happen,” Kennedy said of receiving the Student of Excellence honor. “You put forth effort, and it’s good to see that people notice that. It also tells me I’m doing something right.”

Other students recognized by their instructors as outstanding students in their program areas were: Eric Stephens of Montezuma, Aircraft Structural Technology, nominated by instructor Jason Wisham; William Nolan of Hiram, Aviation Maintenance Technology, nominated by instructor David Grant; Cullen McDonald of Cuthbert, Diesel Equipment Technology, nominated by instructor Chase Shannon; Correy Jackson of Americus, Auto Collision Repair Technology, nominated by instructor Starlyn Sampson; and Jeremy Robinson of Americus, Automotive Technology, nominated by instructor Brandon Dean.

Each month, students from certain divisions selected for that month are nominated for the Student of Excellence award by their instructors. The Student of Excellence is chosen based on a number of criteria, including grades, work ethics, participation in clubs and organizations, and amount of program completion.

As the winner, Kennedy was awarded with a plaque of recognition, a personal letter of recommendation from SGTC President Dr. John Watford and a $50 check for his accomplishments. Additionally, his name will be displayed on SGTC’s digital marquee as well as inscribed on a plaque in Hicks Hall among previous Student of Excellence winners. Each nominee was awarded with a nomination certificate and an exclusive student of excellence t-shirt.

South Georgia Technical College offers over 200 diplomas, degrees, and technical certificates of credit in a variety of programs plus many opportunities to get involved in campus life beyond the classroom. Apply online at

