Governor Kemp speaks at Chamber Luncheon at South Georgia Technical College

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The Honorable Brian P. Kemp, Governor of Georgia, was the keynote speaker at the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon at the John M. Pope Center at South Georgia Technical College in Americus, GA. Georgia Power was the presenting sponsor of the luncheon meeting.

   Faith Pinnell, 2019 Chair of the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the capacity crowd to the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon, and introduced the special guests and elected officials at the luncheon. Reverend Sean George of St. John’s Anglican Church gave the invocation and pledge. Ron Shipman, Vice President of External Affairs for the Georgia Power Southwest Region, gave the presenting sponsor comments and then introduced Georgia State Representative Mike Cheokas from District 138, for Governor Kemp’s introduction.

   Mike Cheokas revealed that Governor Brian Kemp built his first business – Kemp Development and Construction Company – with a pick-up truck and a shovel. Over 30 years later, he is a successful entrepreneur with businesses and investments in banking, farming, timber, manufacturing, and real estate. From the backhoe to the board room, Governor Kemp understands how to successfully create jobs, grow companies, recruit start-ups, and make deals on the international stage while also providing opportunities for hundreds of hardworking Georgians, said Cheokas.

   Brian Kemp ran for public office in the early 2000s. In the State Senate, Kemp was instrumental in fighting to cut fees, taxes, and mandates on job creators and Georgia families. As Secretary of State, Kemp utilized technology and innovation to cut bureaucratic red tape, slash spending, and streamline government. As Governor, Brian Kemp is fighting to make Georgia #1 for small business through regulatory reform. He will ensure that all parts of our state – including rural Georgia – have opportunities to grow and thrive.

   His visit to Sumter County was part of the “Georgia Made” economic tour to meet with manufacturers to fulfill his campaign promise to put a plan together to take care of Georgians including rural Georgians. “In Georgia we can make anything for anybody anywhere in the world,” said Governor Kemp. “We have the people, we have the training that South Georgia Technical College and others are doing in facilities just like this, across the state. We have great local communities that support economic development and good paying jobs. And we got the logistics. We can get products anywhere in the world whether it is by truck, rail, airport, or sea ports.

   “We have a lot of advantages in our state and we have to let people know. We have to let them know that they can open a facility anywhere in our state and find good hardworking people and a good community that will support them. This is the 7th year in a row that Georgia has been selected as the best state to business with. We have a great environment here and we have got to keep it going,” said Governor Kemp.

   Governor Kemp also addressed what he and his administration are doing for rural health care and for education. He also talked about how he has already delivered on his promises of a pay raise for Georgia teachers. “We are asking our educators to do more than we use to. I am very proud of us and the general assembly for recognizing this and taking action,” said Governor Kemp.

   He is conducting listening tours throughout Georgia and he and the General Assembly are working together with law enforcement to cut down on drugs, gang violence, and human trafficking. “We are doing and will continue to do a lot to keep your families safe,” concluded Kemp.

Following the talk by Governor Kemp, Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Chair Faith Pinnell closed out the meeting and Governor Kemp met individually with community leaders while also providing opportunities for photographs.

Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Carolyn Wright is shown talking with Governor Kemp.
Governor Kemp with shown above with the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Governor Kemp with shown above with the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

