Jets Booster Club feeds SGTC basketball teams for Thanksgiving

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The South Georgia Technical College Jets Booster Club hosted a special Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings for the Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams recently at Central Baptist Church in Americus. Sumter County Recreation Director Tim Estes brought a motivational message about giving thanks and thanking the individuals who have helped you get to where you are today. He related the Thanksgiving message to the athletes by asking them to remember the parents, grandparents, or friends who introduced them to the sport of basketball and who may have paid the fees for them to play recreation basketball, or the coach who believed that they could play basketball at the college level. He urged the players to take the time to thank those individuals who had helped them to reach this point in their careers. He also encouraged them to live lives full of thankfulness. The Jets and the Lady Jets both participated in basketball competitions during the Thanksgiving holidays and were unable to spend the holiday with their families. “The Jets Booster Club wanted each of you to know that you are a part of the South Georgia Tech family and a part of our families,” said Jets Booster Club Officer Martha Arrington at the special Thanksgiving celebration recently. “We wanted you to know that we appreciate you and think that you have chosen a wonderful college and a wonderful place to continue your education while you play basketball.” South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford echoed Martha Arrington’s words and thanked the players and coaches for what they mean to South Georgia Tech. “We appreciate all of you and are thankful that you have chosen to be a part of the South Georgia Technical College family, and a part of the Jets and Lady Jets basketball teams. We look forward to seeing your success in the classroom as well as on the basketball court.” The Booster Club members and their families provided the Thanksgiving meal and visited with the players and coaches during the banquet.

