Looking for a fresh start? Look at South Georgia Technical College

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   About a third of Americans believe they would need more education or training if they lost their job during the pandemic, wrote Audrey Williams June in an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education titled, “Displaced Workers Haven’t Turned to College for a Fresh Start.  Here’s what Might Bring Them Back.”

   Her article talked about how important skills training is in the workplace and that is exactly what South Georgia Technical College provides for the individuals in Sumter, Crisp, Macon, Marion, Marion, Taylor, and Webster counties as well as throughout the southeastern United States.

   With the economy still in a pandemic-induced recession, displaced workers are busy navigating economic uncertainty.  And while many have not turned to college for a fresh start, South Georgia Technical College would like to be the exception for individuals needing short-term training to enter or reenter the workforce.

    South Georgia Technical College offers over 200 associate degree, diploma, or technical certificate of credit programs.  Individuals can succeed sooner by enrolling in a program of study that can be completed in eight weeks up to two years.  And South Georgia Technical College has a 99% job placement rating for graduates.  Financial aid is also available.

    A number of South Georgia Technical College programs can be completed in as little as eight weeks to help individuals get back into the workforce especially in high demand careers.  Commercial Truck Driving is one of the eight-week programs that is covered under the HOPE Grant and HOPE Career Grant financial aid options because of the high demand for drivers.  There are an estimated 200,000 projected jobs for heavy-and tractor-trailer truck drivers with the average salary of $45,000.

   Other short-term programs that enable graduates to earn $26,000 and more with short-term training includes nursing assistants, bookkeeping, accounting and audit clerks, teaching assistants, medical assistants, hairdressers, hairstylists and cosmetologists, computer-user support specialist, automotive-service technicians and mechanics, electrical lineworkers, and more.

    Spring semester at South Georgia Technical College begins January 13th and it is not too late to apply.  Individuals interested in improving their career options or pursue a new career opportunity, can apply online at /admissions/how-to-apply/new-students/.  Financial aid can also be completed online.  The link along with information to apply online can be found at:  /admissions/financial-aid/how-to-apply/.

    Registration for Spring Semester classes at SGTC have been set for Monday, January 11th from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. on both the Americus and the Crisp County campuses.  For more information about how to apply or to register for a career of your choice, contact Candie Walters at cwalthers@southgatech.edu or 229-931-2299.

SGTC Electrical Lineworker students are shown getting the skills needed to go to work in a high paying career after only eight weeks of classes and training on the SGTC Skills Field.

