Ron Clark featured speaker at Phoebe Sumter Community Health Symposium at South Georgia Tech

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Americus, GA – Ron Clark, teacher and administrator of the award-winning and internationally acclaimed Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, was the keynote speaker at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center’s Community Health Symposium recently in the South Georgia Technical College gymnasium.

  The Community Health Symposium, was free and open to the public and covered healthcare issues important to the community. Local experts talked about behavioral health, anti-bullying and overall health and wellness prior to the keynote address by Clark.

  Known to many as “America’s Educator,” Ron Clark was the 2000 Disney American Teacher of the Year, a two-time New York Times bestselling author, the subject of a television movie and the founder of the Ron Clark Academy. He is regularly featured on network and cable television (The Today Show, CNN and Oprah) and was dubbed by Oprah Winfrey as her first “Phenomenal Man.” Clark shared the uncanny adventures he has had in the classroom and his experiences teaching in Harlem.

  Within his humorous and heartwarming stories, he delivered a message of hope, dedication and the never-say-never attitude required to achieve goals and dreams.

  Phoebe Sumter hosted the event along with partners: South Georgia Technical College, Citizens Bank of Americus, Innovative Senior Solutions, Middle Flint Behavioral Health and Behavior Health Link.

South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and his wife, Barbara, a retired Sumter County Schools Principal, and Dr. Lettie Watford, a retired GSW Professor, are shown above with Ron Clark.
South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford and his wife, Barbara, a retired Sumter County Schools Principal, and Dr. Lettie Watford, a retired GSW Professor, are shown above with Ron Clark.

