SGTC Adult Education Advisory Committee Meets

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The South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) Adult Education advisory committee met recently in the John M. Pope Industrial Technology Building on the SGTC campus. The purpose of the advisory committee is to assist South Georgia Technical College faculty and staff in continuous quality improvement of the Adult Education program. In the meeting SGTC Adult Education instructors discussed updates and information about program changes, enrollment, community activities and student news.

Representing SGTC at the meeting were faculty and staff from the SGTC Adult Education department including Dean of Adult Education Lillie Ann Winn, instructors Angela Kauffman and Tonya Visage, Student Affairs Specialist Tracy Israel, GED Chief Examiner Lisa Truitt, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Jordan.

Other SGTC members of the committee present were Director of Business and Industry Services Michelle McGowan, Vice President of Operations Karen Werling, and Director of Career Services Cynthia Carter.

The advisory committee also includes members of the community representing a variety of organizations. Present at the meeting were Nicole Acree, Kevin Brown, Alton Ford, Kim Hester, Margie Everett, Betty Eschmann, Robbie Edalgo, Lissa Faircloth, Zack Mincey, Beth NeSmith, Elaine Neally, James Ingram, Diane Wills, Roger Ann Davis, Marisa Wedges, Julie Tinsley and Jill Harrison.

The advisory committee is a crucial link that provides an avenue for South Georgia Technical College instructors to learn about changing conditions or technology in the workplace that can then be passed along to students that will enable them to be fully prepared upon graduation.

South Georgia Tech currently offers over 200 different associate degree, diploma, and short-term technical certificate of credit classes. Enroll today and get ahead in your chosen career. For more information about South Georgia Technical College and its programs of study, visit the website at Apply now. Registration for summer semester is April 18.

