SGTC Adult Education students complete IET program and earn industry recognized certificates

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    Four South Georgia Technical College Adult Education students passed OSHA-10 Certification exams and received other industry recognized certificates as part of a new Integrated Education and Training program (IET).  SGTC Adult Education Dean Lillie Ann Winn and President Dr. John Watford congratulated the four students in front of friends and family at the graduation ceremony.

   The four students who graduated from the South Georgia Technical College Adult Education Integrated Education and Training program are:  Roberto Rangel, Dashawn Garvin, Skylar Walker and Faith Dunford.  Each of them are attending GED and Adult Education classes at the McLain Center on the South Georgia Technical College Americus campus.

    “I am so proud of these students,” said South Georgia Technical College Adult Education Dean Lillie Ann Winn.  “This is the second time that the Adult Education Department has offered an Integrated Education and Training program (IET) for individuals enrolled in the GED classes.  This is a 12-day program and students attend the IET classes eight hours a day in an attempt to earn industry recognized certifications.”

   Winn worked with the students on computer skills and provided the instruction on the OSHA-10 training.  Al Harris from the South Georgia Technical College Economic Development department worked with the students on employability skills.  SGTC Career Services Director Cynthia Carter presented resume writing skills and public speaking training.  SGTC Culinary Arts Instructor Chef Ricky Watzlowick conducted the training for the ServSafe Certification and SGTC Adult Education instructor Angie Kauffman provided Northstar Digital Literacy training.

    The students also volunteered with the Harvest of Hope Food pantry as part of the IET program and toured International Paper’s Flint River Operations plant to learn more about employment opportunities available in the South Georgia Technical College service area.

    Winn also invited the four students to attend a workshop on the SGTC campus where Dr. Donna Beegle was a special guest speaker.  Dr. Beegle’s workshop was open to city, county, education officials and others and designed to help communities break the poverty cycle.  Dr. Beegle presented each of the IET graduates with a copy of her book.

    SGTC President Dr. John Watford offered his congratulations to each of the graduates and also to the Adult Education faculty.  “I am inspired by what you have accomplished in this program,” said Dr. Watford.  “The experiences that you have been a part of through this program are things that no one can ever take away from you.   These instructors have invested time and energy into helping you accomplish this goal and you committed to complete it.  I am very proud of each of you.”

   Dr. Watford also left a word of encouragement for the students.  “I read that the secret to success is simple.  Do what you say you are going to do.  This program is true education.  It lets you learn about opportunities in a very short period of time but it is a great example of career education.  Please don’t stop now.  Keep improving yourselves.”

   In addition to their certificates, the SGTC Adult Education department also presented each of the graduates with a “Survival Kit for Life.’”  Mrs. Winn shared with the individuals some of the items included in the kit and what each item was to remind the students of going forward in the future.

   The kit included a candy ‘hug,’ to remind students they are loved.  There was a penny to remind them they are valuable, a star to encourage them to reach for the stars and to never stop dreaming, and a paper clip to remember to keep it together.  A candy smarties was included to let them know they are smart.  She included an eraser to let them know that when they make mistakes, try to overcome or erase those mistakes.  There was bubble gum to encourage students to stick with it and a balloon to remind them to reach for the sky.  Other items included were a rubber band to help them remember to be flexible, a starburst so that would shine like the stars, a smiley face to encourage them to keep smiling, a tootsie roll to help them roll on into the next adventure, an anchor to show them they are the captain of their own ship and to get their ship together, and finally a pay day candy bar to show them that the best is yet to come.    

The SGTC Adult Education department is also working with area business leaders to find employment opportunities for these students once they complete and pass their GED exams.  The students are also encouraged to continue their education at South Georgia Technical College.

