SGTC Adult Education students earn OSHA-10 certification

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Four South Georgia Technical College Adult Education students passed OSHA-10 Certification exams recently and are working toward receiving ServSafe Industry certification as well as a completion certificate in Employability Skills Training as part of a new Integrated Education Training Program (IEP).

   The four students who are participating in the Integrated Education Training Program are: Ryan Lamar, Darrius Daniels, Alex Hale and Alexis White. Each of them are attending classes at the McLain Center on the South Georgia Technical College Americus campus. “I am so proud of these students,” said South Georgia Technical College Adult Education Dean Lillie Ann Winn. “This is the first time that the Adult Education Department has offered an Integrated Education Program (IEP) for individuals enrolled in the GED classes. This is a 12-day program and students attend the IEP classes eight hours a day in an attempt to earn these certifications.”

   Winn worked with the students on computer skills and provided the instruction on the OSHA-10 training. Al Harris from the South Georgia Technical College Economic Development department worked with the students on employability skills. SGTC Career Services Director Cynthia Carter will be presenting resume writing skills and help with mock interviews. SGTC Culinary Arts Instructor Chef Ricky Watzlowick is conducting the training for the ServSafe Certification.   

    The SGTC Adult Education department is also working with area business leaders to find employment opportunities for these students once they complete the certifications and pass their GED exams.

