SGTC Alumnus Chance Simpson featured on WMAZ 13 for Black History Month celebration

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    South Georgia Technical College Alumnus Chance Simpson of Macon County, who Is studying at Johns Hopkins University, was featured on WMAZ TV as part of its salute to young Black Americans carving their place in history.

   “During the month of February, we celebrate the African Americans, well-known and unknown,” wrote WMAZ TV.  “Their place in history is solidified by their accomplishments both the past and the present.  However, it is equally important to turn our attention to the future and look to the young Black Americans carving their place in history.  There are many young African Americans achieving against odds and excelling with talents and skill all around Central Georgia.”

   One of the individuals that WMAZ chose to highlight was 19-year old Chance Simpson from Marshallville, GA.  He is a sophomore at Johns Hopkins University and has earned a university internship as a cybersecurity software engineer.  He is a double Computer Science economics major.

    Chance Simpson enrolled in the South Georgia Technical College Computer Information Systems program as part of its dual enrollment program while he was attending Macon County High School.  He actually received his associate’s degree from SGTC before he earned his high school diploma.

   Soon after graduation, he learned he was one of 304 students admitted as part of Johns Hopkins University’s Early Decision II program.  He earned a full academic scholarship worth nearly $80,000 per year and over $315,000 over four years.  Simpson is not only a student, but also a student athlete.  He is currently a member of the Johns Hopkins University track and field team, where he is also excelling.

   “I have a passion for computers and a passion for learning,” said Simpson.  “And I also want to surround myself with great people, people who are as smart or smarter than me, people who are doing things ten times greater than me so Johns Hopkins was the choice for me.”

   When asked by WMAZ what advice he would give to other young people, Simpson answered.  “Find out what you are passionate about and where your talents are.  Do something that you love, do something that you might pursue or have a passion for because you’re going to keep chasing that goal, you’re going to keep doing what you want to do.”

   He also added that individuals should grow and develop those skills through training and higher education like technical college or universities.  Then he added that the “real key is to believe in yourself.”

   “I believe in the laws of the universe, which is like the Laws of Attraction.  So, the energy you put into the world is the same energy that will return to you in greater form.  If you are negative, and only speak about what you can’t do, expect the university to return those words to you and make them true.

   “All through my process I said, ‘I will be great, I will be smart, I will graduate at the top of my class, I will graduate with two degrees.’ And now that I have been saying these things into my life, the universe, God has blessed me with a great way to get into Johns Hopkins.”

    The future appears bright for Chance Simpson, whose plans include owning his own business one day and inspiring and helping others.  “I want to inspire other people in the same predicament as me, saying anything is possible if you put your mind to it.”

    Simpson is the son of Ronald and Kesha Simpson of Macon County, and is working to build his own path into Black History.

   The WMAZ feature can be found at:  A link to the video portion is located at:

