SGTC announces reorganization updates for 2020 - 2021

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   South Georgia Technical College has reorganized some administrative responsibilities in response to the 2021 budget cuts imposed on all state agencies due to the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus.  

   “The challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented,” said South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford.  “The health and safety of our students and employees is a major priority as we move forward and continue to offer students and business and industry partners with the workforce education needed now more than ever as we begin restarting our economy.

   “This reorganization of administrative responsibilities is South Georgia Technical College’s response to the budget cuts in a manner that will have the least impact on students and their educational experiences,” explained Dr. Watford.  “Students will probably not notice the changes but I would like to thank these individuals who are stepping up to do more during these challenging times.”

   Despite the double-digit budget cuts for the 2020 – 2021 academic year, South Georgia Technical College did not eliminate any program offerings, course offerings, or services that the college provides to the community.

   In the Academic Affairs department, the college has reduced the number of Academic Deans reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs from four to two.  SGTC Vice President of Academic Affairs David Kuipers will now serve as the academic adviser for the Caterpillar Heavy Equipment Dealer’s Technology and Electrical Power Generation programs as well as the Aircraft Structural, Aviation Maintenance, Avionics, Commercial Truck Driving, General Education and Learning support program instructors in addition to overseeing the two Academic Deans and all other faculty members.

    Academic Dean David Finley will be responsible for the John Deere Agricultural Technology, Sports and Fitness Management, Auto Collision, Automotive, Air Conditioning, Drafting, Electrical Systems, Electronics, Industrial Systems, Precision Machining and Manufacturing, Welding, Barbering, Cosmetology, Nail Tech and Culinary Arts program instructors.  Julie Partain, who is the Dean of Enrollment Management and housed on the Crisp County Center campus, will be supervising the Accounting, Business Administrative Technology, Computer Information Systems, Marketing, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Academy, Early Childhood Care and Education, EMT, Fire Science, Medical Assisting and Practical Nursing instructors.

   Teresa Jolly, the Business Technology instructor on the Crisp County Center campus, will be the contact for the Online learning component for the college.  She will work with individual instructors offering online courses and also help trouble shoot problems encountered by students.

   Chris Ballauer, Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach and Sports and Fitness Management Instructor, will serve as the interim head coach of the Jets for the 2020-2021 season in addition to his teaching duties.  Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach Demetrius Colson will now serve as the Assistant coach for both the Jets and the Lady Jets.

   In the Economic Development division at South Georgia Technical College, Business and Industry Directors Paul Farr and Michelle McGowan and Director of Career Services Cynthia Carter will now report to President Dr. John Watford.

   Several administrative assistant positions were affected by the budget cuts as well across the Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Administrative Services, and Operations divisions.  These duties have been reassigned or shared with other individual staff members.

   “We have elected not to replace any of the positions that were vacated by retirements or affected by the budget cut process,” said President Watford.  “There is a lot of uncertainty at this point in the economic recovery process.  By reassigning duties and delegating additional responsibilities, we believe that we are positioning South Georgia Technical College and its faculty, staff, and students with the best possible pathway to recovery.”

   South Georgia Technical College is preparing for its Fall Semester.  Classes will begin on August 17th and the college is offering students the ability to attend class online and on campus with strict social distancing guidelines and procedures in place. 

Individuals can register for Fall semester on July 21st, 22nd, and 23rd from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. on both the Americus and Crisp County campus.  The registration process should take approximately an hour or an hour and a half.  Individuals are asked to limit guest to two or under during the registration process.

