SGTC Crisp County PBL students take top honors

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Macon, GA – Five South Georgia Technical College Crisp County Center Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) students represented the SGTC Crisp County PBL Chapter at District Competition at Central Georgia Technical College in Macon recently and took top honors.

   Kennedy Mathews of Vienna, Samantha Campbell of Cordele, Hannah Weaver of Rochelle, Christina Jordan of Fitzgerald, and Nacoria Dawson of Cordele represented South Georgia Technical College at the District competition and came away with three first place finishes, two seconds, and a fifth place finish.  They competed in six different categories as well as participated in networking workshops and the March of Dimes walk.

   Samantha Campbell took first place in Desktop Publishing and Computer Applications; Kennedy Mathews had a first in Administrative Technology and a 2nd in Desktop Publishing and Hannah Weaver secured a first in Marketing Concepts and second in Management Concepts.  Christina Jordan was fifth in Management Concepts and Nacoria Dawson competed in Client Services.

   Teresa Jolly, Business Technology Instructor, at the SGTC Crisp County Center and Karen Bloodworth, Marketing Instructor for the Crisp County Center, serve as the advisors for the SGTC PBL group.

The SGTC PBL students are shown above with ACE as they get ready to leave for their PBL District Competition in Macon.

The SGTC PBL students are shown above with ACE as they get ready to leave for their PBL District Competition in Macon.

