SGTC Marketing Specialist Provides Filmmaking Lessons to Dublin High School Students

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South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) Marketing Specialist and filmmaker Patrick Peacock recently spoke to a class of high school students in Dublin, GA about his experience making independent films. Peacock was invited by Dublin High School CTAE Audio Visual Film & Technology/Drama teacher Jeremy Ellenberg to speak on filmmaking techniques and the opportunities and challenges inherent in creating films on a minimal budget.

Peacock has made several short films that have screened at festivals and earned awards. Earlier this year, he held a successful premiere of his debut feature-length film, ‘Back Focus’ at the Rylander Theatre in Americus.

Speaking to the class in Dublin, Peacock encouraged students interested in filmmaking to just start making films and not get hung up on technology or even how good the initial films turn out.

“Your early films will probably be pretty bad, and that’s okay,” Peacock told the class. “The important thing is to start telling stories and learn from each experience.”

Peacock said he waited a long time to start making films because quality equipment was so expensive, but that was just an excuse. “There’s no excuse anymore,” he said. “The phone in your pocket can record and edit high definition video. Some professional filmmakers are even shooting feature films with smartphones.”

After gaining experience in his professional work as a video producer and through his efforts on his short films, Peacock finally had the confidence to produce his first feature film. “Filmmaking is an incredibly challenging and rewarding experience,” he explained to the class. “And I am so grateful to everyone who volunteered their time and talents to ‘Back Focus’. I was able to assemble an amazing cast of local actors who brought their characters to life in wonderful ways.” Peacock says DVD copies of ‘Back Focus’ will be available for purchase before Christmas through his filmmaking website

Patrick Peacock joined South Georgia Technical College as Marketing Specialist in August of this year. He is excited about bringing his video production and filmmaking abilities to his work promoting the college.

South Georgia Technical College offers over 200 degree, diploma and technical certificate of credit programs in a variety of fields. Learn more at and apply for admission. Spring semester starts January 9th.

