SGTC Opens Alcohol Awareness Month with Presentation from State Trooper

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South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) recently kicked off April as alcohol awareness month by inviting a Georgia State Patrol Trooper to speak to students about the dangers of driving under the influence. The event was held in the John M. Pope center on the college's Americus campus and was attended by 17 students and several administrators.

Alcohol awareness month is meant to help individuals understand the dangers and risks that are associated with alcohol abuse. State Trooper Anthony Wright of Post 40 used humor and enacted examples of traffic stops to help engage the students.

Wright spoke to the students for about an hour about the process that Georgia State Patrol Troopers use to find and get impaired drivers off the road. During his presentation, he shared stark statistics and stories of alcohol-involved wrecks that he has worked.

SGTC’s SkillsUSA Georgia Postsecondary student organization hosted the event.

Georgia State Patrol Trooper Anthony Wright stands with South Georgia Technical College leadership after discussing the risks associated with drunk driving to students. Left to right: Ashley Holland (Student Government Association president), Cynthia Carter, Trooper Anthony Wright, David Kuipers, Don Smith and Su Ann Bird.

