SGTC Phi Beta Lambda hosts Taylor County CTAE Day

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    Approximately 100 Taylor County High School CTAE students, instructors and administrators attended the South Georgia Technical College Phi Beta Lambda Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education Day at South Georgia Technical College recently.

   South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford was the special guest speaker at the event.   The students also had the opportunity to tour the campus and take part in different activities related to their CTAE classes.  SGTC Instructors worked with students interested in audiovisual, accounting, automotive repair, business and technology, computer information systems, diesel repair, auto collision, marketing, early childhood technology and education, criminal justice, cosmetology, barbering, Law Enforcement Academy, Caterpillar, John Deere, motorsports, and more.

   Dr. Watford shared several South Georgia Technical College success stories and encouraged students to make good choices.  “Sometimes when you do not make a choice, you are really making a decision to allow someone else to make a choice for you,” explained Dr. Watford.  “No matter what career path you hope to follow, CTAE can be great career pathway to get you to your next destination.  There are so many opportunities available and CTAE will serve you well and give you many options for the future.”

   Dr. Watford thanked the Taylor County High School group for visiting South Georgia Technical College and he thanked the SGTC Phi Beta Lambda students for planning such a great day for their guests.  “I have been with South Georgia Technical College for 30 years and I believe in what we do here.  We want to help other people and help them make great career choices.  We make a difference in the lives of our students and I am proud to be a part of that type of culture.”

    Heather Hinton, PBL President, welcomed the students to the SGTC campus and introduced Dr. Watford as the guest speaker.  PBL’s Ashley Halstead gave the occasion and Kenyatta Slaughter presented an overview of Georgia CTAE. 

   South Georgia Technical College Admissions Director Whitney Crisp and her staff along with SGTC High School Coordinator Vickie Austin and her staff conducted the tours and gave brief remarks along with Michele Kimble, CTAE Director for the Taylor County High School.

    Dr. Andrea Oates is the PBL Advisor at South Georgia Technical College and the SGTC PBL Americus officers are: President Heather Hinton, First Vice-President Xavier Winfield, Second Vice-President Alexis Andrews, Secretary Kenyatta Slaughter and Assistant Secretary Ashley Halstead.  Gwendolyn Coley, Britney Davis and Princess Raines are PBL Ambassadors.

Shown above are some of the Taylor County CTAE students who attended the SGTC PBL CTAE Day.

Shown above are some of the Taylor County CTAE students who attended the SGTC PBL CTAE Day.
SGTC President Dr. John Watford (right) is shown with SGTC PBL Advisor and Academic Dean Dr. Andrea Oates, and PBL club members Alexis Anders, Ashley Halstead, Heather Hinton, Kenyatta Slaughter and Taylor County CTAE Director Michele Kimble.

SGTC President Dr. John Watford (right) is shown with SGTC PBL Advisor and Academic Dean Dr. Andrea Oates, and PBL club members Alexis Anders, Ashley Halstead, Heather Hinton, Kenyatta Slaughter and Taylor County CTAE Director Michele Kimble.

