SGTC Students Learn Strategies for Effective Studying

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South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) recently held a study skills workshop for students on the Americus campus. Dr. Deo Cochran-Sherrod, SGTC Retention and Coaching Specialist, conducted the workshop and presented strategies for studying and retaining information for tests.

Cochran-Sherrod shared with students her POP (Prepare, Organize, Practice) plan for studying. The “Prepare” component involves determining aspects of the test including what material will be covered and how the test will be administered. The “Organize” component entails gathering notes and previous tests as well as arranging opportunities to study with others in the class. For the “Practice” component, Cochran-Sherrod suggested students create their own test questions to help prepare and then practice, practice, practice.

Students in the workshop also took a self-assessment exam to determine their personal strengths and weaknesses in test preparation. They learned additional strategies for taking various kinds of tests including how to narrow the options on multiple-choice tests and how to watch for tricky wording in a test question.

The student support services at South Georgia Technical College are designed to enhance students’ education and college experience to help them succeed in their career goals. Educational resources available to students include tutoring, college skills course, study skills workshops, and more. To learn more about programs and resources available at South Georgia Technical College or to apply for admission, visit

