Sixteen-year old Chance Simpson has big plans for future

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Marshallville, GA – Sixteen-year old Chance Simpson of Marshallville is well on his way to a very bright future.  The Macon County student has completed the minimum requirements for high school graduation and will be enrolling full-time at South Georgia Technical College in January.

    At this pace, Chance could very well finish up his associate degree in the South Georgia Technical College Computer Networking Support Specialist program before he is scheduled to walk across the stage and graduate from high school in May 2021.

   Simpson enrolled at South Georgia Technical College at the start of his 10th grade year at Macon County High School.  Since that time he has taken an overload of classes in high school while also being dually enrolled in the computer program at South Georgia Technical College.

    Once he is a full-time student at South Georgia Technical College, he will be on pace to graduate with an Associate Degree in Networking Support on December 10th, 2020, almost six months before he officially receives his high school diploma.

    “I am very excited about coming to South Georgia Technical College full-time in January,” said Chance Simpson.  “I enjoy computer games and I have always been interested in gaming PC’s.  I enjoy taking them apart and putting them back together and making them work better.  That is why I enrolled in the Networking Support program.”

    But even though computer gaming is his passion, that is not what he plans to do full-time after graduation.  Chance Simpson wants to be an anesthesiologist and go to medical school.  But first he has to graduate from high school.  “I like knowing about computers and how they work and I think I will always enjoy that, but I plan to go to medical school after high school and college.

   “I have always wanted to be a doctor.  I have been doing some research and I think that anesthesiology seems to be the best fit for me,” said Simpson, who says that time management has been the key to his success so far.

    “I enjoy my classes here at South Georgia Technical College and the instructors are great.  Mrs. Andrea Ingram is willing to help you if you have any problems.  She provides a lot of hands on instruction and the classes are very interesting.  She is also willing to stay after class and help students if they get stuck.  But the only way to do this, is to learn to manage your time.”  That trait will also help him when he makes it to medical school.

    Simpson also had words of praise for SGTC Dual Enrollment Specialist Brittny Wright who worked with him while he was attending classes at Macon County High School and South Georgia Technical College.  “The Dual Enrollment option with South Georgia Tech has been wonderful.  I have really enjoyed being able to come to college, while I am still technically in high school. This is a great program and Ms. Wright has been very helpful.”

    Chance is the son of Ronald B. Simpson and Kesha Simpson of Macon County and they are very proud of his accomplishments so far and are his biggest supporters for the next phase of his journey.  Chance is certainly a young man with big plans for the future and the dual enrollment program at South Georgia Technical College is helping him advance to the next level.

   For more information about the dual enrollment program at South Georgia Technical College, contact Vickie Austin, Dual Enrollment Coordinator at or 229-931-2866. 

   South Georgia Technical College is currently enrolling students for Spring Semester.  Classes begin January 9th and there is a special orientation and registration planned for January 7th.  For more information, contact the admissions office at 229-931-2394 in Americus or 229-271-4040 in Cordele or visit the website at

Chance and his father Ronald Simpson are very pleased with the education he has received through the dual enrollment program at South Georgia Technical College.
Chance and his father Ronald Simpson are very pleased with the education he has received through the dual enrollment program at South Georgia Technical College.

