South Georgia Technical College Adult Education programs continue differently

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   Where there is a will, there is a way.  That is the philosophy that the South Georgia Technical College Adult Education faculty and staff have adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.

   “We are encouraging our adult education students to continue to move forward even though our classrooms at South Georgia Technical College and the adult education sites throughout our seven county area are closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions put in place by Governor Brian Kemp,” said South Georgia Technical College Dean of Adult Education Lillie Ann Winn.

   The South Georgia Technical College Adult Education faculty and staff have put together packets of information to share with their students so they can continue to progress toward attaining their goal of earning a GED or High School Equivalency.  The packets are being mailed or emailed to students.

   Our instructors are contacting their students weekly and providing feedback on the students assignments as they are received,” explained Mrs. Winn.  “We realize that many of our rural students may not have access to computers or high speed internet so we are not letting that get in the way of us offering students the ability to continue their education.”

   Students who do have access to online resources are encouraged to use the Adult Education online platform, Plato CourseWare by Edmentum.  Students who have not received their information packets but would like to participate, can contact their instructor via test messaging, email, messenger, or  Students and potential students can also call 229093102571 with questions.

