South Georgia Technical College campus closures extended through April 13th, online classes to resume April 1st

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   South Georgia Technical College will extend the closure of its campuses and adult education sites through April 13th in response to COVID-19 health concerns.  Instructional classes will resume April 1st utilizing some form of distance learning, announced President Dr. John Watford.

   Students currently enrolled in on-line classes will be able to resume their normal class work beginning Wednesday, April 1st.  Other traditional classes will also begin April 1st utilizing some form of distance learning.  Instructors are contacting students via email, phone, or on-line to provide distance instructional assignments.  If a student is not able to access the electronic materials, arrangements will be made to accommodate.

    “Course material that can be delivered electronically will be made available from individual instructors,” said SGTC Vice President of Academic Affairs David Kuipers.  “This may be through Blackboard, Google Classroom, Zoom, WebEx, or some similar platform. Administrators and instructors are still finalizing details about electronic course requirements for traditional face-to-face classes that include labs, externships and/or internships.  Students should call or email their course instructor for more information.”

   SGTC campuses and adult education sites closed after Governor Brian P. Kemp signed an executive order declaring a Public Health State of Emergency in Georgia closing all elementary, secondary, and post-secondary schools through March 31st to keep students, teachers, and administrators safe and mitigate the spread of the coronavirus or COVID-19.  SGTC has extended that closure date in response to the rapidly COVID-19 spread.

    “South Georgia Technical College employees will continue to work with their supervisors to receive information about telework assignments during this transition time,” said Dr. Watford.  “Essential operational employees including campus safety, maintenance and others are allowed to continue to report to campus utilizing COVID-19 safe practices.”

   Additional information as it becomes available will be shared on the South Georgia Technical College website, email, and social media accounts.  Students can also direct questions to the email address.

   In this situation, as with any other virus such as influenza, prevention is a key strategy.  Take precautions or measures to protect yourself and prevent the spread to others. The best prevention measures for any respiratory virus are:

• Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water

are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

• Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home when you are sick.

• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

