South Georgia Technical College Plans Student Activities for Red Ribbon Week

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South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) will mark Red Ribbon Week and Halloween with a series of events this month for students, faculty, and staff. Red Ribbon Week is a national campaign every year from October 23 – 31 to support our nation’s families and communities in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug free youth.

On Monday, October 26, SGTC will kick off the observance of Red Ribbon Week with “Wear Red Day”. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to wear red to show their support for the initiative.

Tuesday, October 27 is “Team Spirit Day”. Members of the SGTC community will wear the apparel of their favorite sports team.

For both “Wear Red Day” and “Team Spirit Day”, prizes will be awarded for the most creative attire.

Schedule of SGTC Activities for Red Ribbon Week/Halloween

The focus will shift to Halloween on Wednesday, October 28 with a Halloween door decorating contest. Prizes will be awarded for Best Program, Best Office, and Best Dorm Room doors.

Finally, on Thursday, October 29, SGTC will hold a costume contest with prizes in student and faculty/staff categories.

South Georgia Technical College offers over 200 degree, diploma, and technical certificate of credit programs as well as numerous activities, events, and clubs for students. Apply online today at

