South Georgia Technical College releases updates for summer, fall semesters

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    There are a lot of questions and uncertainty about what retuning to campus and classes will look like at South Georgia Technical College for the remainder of summer semester and for Fall 2020.  South Georgia Technical College President Dr. John Watford released an update for students and the community this week.  The complete video update is located at:

   “Things are evolving but we are working on a plan that is flexible, safe, and effective,” said South Georgia Tech President Dr. John Watford.  “Our priority is to help students achieve their educational goals while also abiding by state guidelines and maintaining the safety of students, faculty, and staff.  We don’t have all the answers yet, but we are moving forward with a plan to allow students to return to classes on-campus by following the state guidelines for social distancing.”

    South Georgia Technical College has begun to bring a small number of students back to campus this summer on a limited basis and in accordance with all local and state executive orders.  The first group to return to campus were the Law Enforcement Academy students who were unable to complete their spring classes.  The next group to return for labs and clinicals were the nursing students.  The Spring Semester Aviation Maintenance students were scheduled next.  They need to complete their hands-on lab hours in order to be eligible to take the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airframe and Powerplant exams and graduate.  Other program areas will be notified by their instructors when and how to return to labs on campus.

    “This is being done in stages with students who need the hands-on training or labs to graduate.  These classes or program areas are located on different portions of our campus.  Social distancing guidelines will be followed in the classroom and lab areas,” explained President Watford.  “Signage and plexiglass shields have been installed in various offices including the admissions, financial aid, WIOA, and Foundation offices as well as in other buildings around the campus.”

    Beginning in July, on-campus housing and cafeteria service will resume for the partnership program students who cannot commute to class.  This summer will serve as a trial run for Fall Semester. Extensive sanitizing has been completed on the campus.  Hand sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the dorms, cafeteria and office buildings at the entrances and exits.  Students utilizing the on-campus housing will be given single rooms at the double-room rate for additional safety measures.  The cafeteria has also implemented a plan to allow for service to resume following corporate and state guidelines.

    “We realize that most students are eager to return to campus, but we believe that by implementing the return to campus in stages, will allow us to gauge what works best for the safety of students and faculty and staff,” said Dr. Watford.  “We are eager to see students return but safety is our priority.”

   South Georgia Technical College is planning to implement three different options for classes Fall semester and continue to offer on-campus housing and cafeteria service for a limited number of students.  Students can begin applying now for the Fall semester classes which begin August 17th.

    Students will still be able to enroll in online classes.  These are the traditional online classes that allow students to continue their education remotely.  The second option is the face-to-face or in-person classes where students return to campus for the traditional classroom setting with smaller class sizes and social distancing guidelines in place. The third option is the lab based courses that students need for critical hands-on skills to complete a program area.  This will consist of smaller lab sizes and social distancing measures.

   “Regardless of the way classes are taken, all students will still have access to the same support,” explained Dr. Watford.  Those services will include tutoring, student life activities, career and pathway advising, career and employment services, counseling and ability services, and supplemental instruction.

   “We realize that things are different, but we are moving forward.  The safety and educational goals of our students are a priority,” added Dr. Watford.

    South Georgia Technical College has created a COVID-19 informational video for all faculty, staff, and students to watch online.  Students will be asked to complete as they return to campus. The video will provide information about what COVID-19 is, the symptoms related to the disease, what to do if exposed and how to be protect against exposure.

   To apply for Fall Semester classes, students can visit the SGTC website at  Click on Admissions, and Apply Now.  The testing requirements have been waived for Fall Semester.

