Three SGTC Adult Ed Students Complete IET Training

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Three students in the South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) Adult Education program recently completed the Safety First IET (Integrated Education and Training) course.

Monica Barnes, Calvin Santos, and Allie Zipperer finished the 10-day, 80-hour program and earned OSHA-10 General Industry Certification and ServSafe Food Handler Industry Certification. They also completed Employability Skills Training and a Resume Writing Workshop while concurrently working on GED skills and preparation.  SGTC Adult Education Transition Specialist Tracy Israel and Dean of Adult Education Lillie Ann Winn served as instructor/facilitator. 

SGTC’s Al Harris (Economic Development), Director of Career Services Cynthia Carter, Director of Business and Industry Services (Americus campus) Paul Farr, and Culinary Arts Instructor Ricky Watzlowick also provided support for the program.

