Wally Summers recognized at SGTC Board meeting

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   Former South Georgia Technical College Vice President of Economic Development Wally Summers was recognized at the South Georgia Technical College Board of Directors July meeting recently for his economic development impact on the college and the communities that it serves.  The Board presented Summers with a plaque for his service.

    Summers retired from his position effective June 30th, 2020.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the college was unable to host a retirement reception for Summers and other members of the South Georgia Technical College faculty and staff.

    The South Georgia Technical College Board of Directors along with SGTC President Dr. John Watford and members of the college’s senior staff and economic development department wanted to recognize Summers for his role as a former member of the Board of Directors, instructor, and Vice President.

   The plaque presented to Summers at the Board meeting recognized Summers for his outstanding service and dedication to South Georgia Technical College’s Economic Development efforts.  The plaque was dated July 15th, 2020, which was the first meeting of the Board since the COVID-19 pandemic.

   Wally Summers and the term “Economic Development” have been synonymous or almost interchangeable to business and industry leaders in the South Georgia Technical College service area for past 50 years.  Summers dedicated his professional career to helping others find their paths in life by giving them opportunities, investing in their future and believing in higher aspirations.  He served at South Georgia Technical College from 2002 to 2020.

   “Wally means and has meant a great deal to South Georgia Technical College,” said President Watford as he presented the plaque to Summers.  “I met him almost 34 years ago when we were both working at Metalux,” explained Watford, who added that he has been a great mentor and friend to me and a great employee for South Georgia Technical College.

   “Wally has touched the lives of so many people and has been such a positive image for South Georgia Technical College that we are certainly going to miss him,” continued Watford.  “But we realize that he has certainly earned the right to spend some quality time with his wife, family, and friends and we wish him all the best.”

    After President Watford presented the plaque to Summers on behalf of the Board and College Senior Staff, Wally Summers thanked each of them.  “I have always been interested in South Georgia Technical College even before I came to serve on its board and then later joined the college as an instructor and Vice President for Economic Development.  “Thanks a million.  It has been a great ride and I am willing to do anything for y’all that I can.  Thank you.”

