SGTC Crisp County PBL chapter celebrates Prematurity Awareness Month

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South Georgia Technical College’s (SGTC) Crisp County Center Phi Beta Lamba (PBL) chapter recently celebrated Prematurity Awareness Month and Non-Stop November with a variety of fundraisers and student events for the March of Dimes and PBL. Those events included a March of Dimes Baby Feet Fundraiser, American Enterprise Day, Trashion Show for America Recycles Day, Prematurity Awareness Day, Hands of Hope, and Adopt an Angel. PBL members sold “baby feet” pledge cards with proceeds to benefit the March of Dimes. For Free Enterprise Day, Carol Arflin and Susan Stripling of South Georgia Banking Company in Vienna served as guest speakers for PBL members and other students, offering advice on loans for small businesses and financial security. The PBL Trashion Show was a fashion show where students dressed in garments made from recycled materials to raise awareness for America Recycles Day. Two PBL members placed in the fashion show, and they were Christian Powell of Cordele (third place) and Mykaula Harvey of Cordele (second place). On Prematurity Awareness Day, students wore purple and displayed the “baby feet” pledge cards that were sold to raise funds for March of Dimes. Additionally, the PBL chapter worked to donate and collect donations of canned goods for Hands of Hope, an outreach center for needy and displaced families. Toys were also collected and donated by PBL members for Adopt an Angel, a program that provides a need and a wish for children of families in need each year at Christmas. FBLA-PBL’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Through integrated programs and curriculum, FBLA-PBL is on the leading edge of career and technical education. Promoting business ethics is critical to their organization and to the future of the Americus economy. In the past 65 years, FBLA-PBL has trained literally millions of today’s leaders in American business. FBLA-PBL has made a positive impact on America, providing our youth are ready, willing, and able to take the reins of leadership and help guide America towards a brighter tomorrow. FBLA-PBL promotes career, technical, and business education; values free enterprise; creates citizenship; and fosters the inner growth of children as they transition from school to work – it is truly the premier student business organization. For more information on SGTC’s Crisp County Center PBL chapter, contact advisor Teresa Jolly at 229.271.4023 or; or advisor Karen Bloodworth at 229.271.4074 or Additional information is available at

