SGTC Crisp County Students Learn Studying Skills

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D.W. Persall, Media and Library Services Specialist on the Cordele campus of South Georgia Technical College, recently conducted a workshop on effective studying skills for SGTC students. The workshop was held at the college’s Crisp County Center.

In his presentation, Persall shared strategies for understanding and retaining information presented in the classroom. He stressed the importance of an organized and effective approach to studying in order to successfully recall material when taking exams.

Persall offered tips for organization, time management, and problem solving. He also presented techniques for taking notes, effective reading, and test preparation.

SGTC offers a variety of workshops and other support services to students to enhance their education and college experience as well as help them succeed in their career goals. Educational resources available to students include tutoring, college skills course, study skills workshops, and more.

To learn more about programs and resources available at South Georgia Technical College or to apply for admission, visit

