SGTC Marketing Students Take Initiative at Sunbelt Ag Expo

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    South Georgia Technical College Marketing Management students Leah Nunley and Kaitlin Champion of Americus, saw an opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in their classes at the Sunbelt Ag Expo in Moultrie recently.

   “We were asked to help work the South Georgia Technical College booth at the Ag Expo in Moultrie,” said Nunley.  “As we were working, we realized we were receiving a lot of raw data that could be valuable. So, we grabbed a pen and some paper and began recording as much as we could.”

    “We chose to break down visitors to our display into demographics,” added Champion.  “We also decided to record the programs people were asking about, what brought them to our booth, and the comments they made.”

   The two SGTC marketing students recorded the data, took pictures, and talked to patrons to clarify their results as much as possible.

   When they returned to class the following week, the two students developed a summary of the data and presented their findings to Dr. David Finley, the Academic Dean over the program. Nunley and Champion described their process, discussed their findings, identified best practices, and made recommendations for SGTC to improve its recruiting process.

   “It was very impressive to see these two students take initiative on the spot and create a plan for us so quickly. I plan to use their presentation to improve recruiting and to impress upon other instructors the importance of actively recruiting for their programs,” said SGTC Academic Dean Dr. David Finley.

   When asked about Nunley and Champion, SGTC Marketing Instructor Ms. Mary Cross said, “I didn’t require them to do this. They saw the opportunity and took the initiative. I knew they would create a useful presentation because they both have the drive to succeed with everything they do.”

   Nunley and Champion gave credit to their instructor for their success. “Ms. Cross taught us well. She says to always look for data and to find different ways to capture it,” said Nunley.  Champion added, “It was fun to be able to put into practice what she’s been teaching us in class!”

   For more information about the Marketing program at South Georgia Technical College, contact Ms. Cross at 229.931.2317 or .  Students interested in registering for Spring Semester can Apply Now online at  The $25 application fee will be waived through November 30th using the code MATCH23.  Spring semester classes begin January 11.

