SGTC PBL Americus campus chapter holds meeting

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  South Georgia Technical College’s Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) Americus campus Chapter held its first meeting of 2017 recently in Hicks Hall on SGTC’s Americus campus. PBL members discussed the results and outcomes of their Season of Giving, Non-Stop November, and PBL Week. Also discussed were upcoming events such as the annual PBL district conference, FBLA-PBL Week, FBLA interaction, state competitions, and the 555 Challenge. PBL’s Season of Giving is an annual series of fundraisers to help individuals in the community who are in need. The chapter had another very successful outcome for their Season of Giving in 2016. The chapter’s goal for Non-Stop November, which consist of different activities for PBL members to complete, was attained. PBL Week also had very successful results from the events of PBL Week, including the kick-off, Free Enterprise Day, Dress for Success, and Prematurity Awareness Day. PBL’s many upcoming events begin with a district conference for PBL members to attend on February 10th during FBLA-PBL Week, which will have many exciting events and activities followed by FBLA interaction on February 22nd. State competitive events are from April 7th-9th  allowing students to compete in different events. The 555 Challenge is one more activity that PBL has set up to recruit students as well as professionals members and new sponsors. FBLA-PBL’s mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. Through integrated programs and curriculum, FBLA- PBL is on the leading edge of career and technical education. Promoting business ethics is critical to their organization and to the future of the Americus economy. In the past 65 years, FBLA-PBL has trained literally millions of today’s leaders in American business. FBLA-PBL has made a positive impact on America, providing our youth are ready, willing, and able to take the reins of leadership and help guide America towards a brighter tomorrow. FBLA-PBL promotes career, technical, and business education; values free enterprise; creates citizenship; and fosters the inner growth of children as they transition from school to work – it is truly the premier student business organization. For more information about PBL on the Americus campus, contact Dr. Oates at 229.931.2705 or Additional information is available at

